Thursday, April 3, 2008

Vermicomposting Bin: Part 1 - The Making Of

Vermicomposting is the use of red worms to produce usable natural fertilizer from organic food waste. It's an excellent way of diverting food scraps from the garbage, while simultaneously producing nutrient rich worm castings which can be used to fertilize plants. Throwing out food waste really bugs me! I try to throw out as little as possible into the actual garbage by recycling and composting. So, that's why I decided to take on this project of building my own vermicomposter for my apartment - you can too!
Below is a step-by-step documentation of the building of my vermicomposter. You can buy pre-made vermicomposting bins/kits but I think it's fun and more challenging to build your own. Everyone's will be unique to the materials you can find.
To come soon: Preparing the bedding for the worms, introducing the worms to their bin and letting the vermicomposting commence. I will be documenting the entire process on my blog. This is the first time I've ever done this so I'm bound to make some mistakes and learn along the way. Hopefully I can inspire others to try vermicomposting!

Check out the Vermicomposting Links on the Side Bar for more detailed information on vermicomposting and building and maintaining your own bin

The Making of The Bin
I purchased a plastic storage bin for use as my vermicomposter. I began by drilling holes for ventilation in the lid and sides of the bin, and for drainage in the bottom.

I covered the holes by taping screen over them to prevent worms and bedding from escaping.

I found 4 wooden legs from a dresser left as garbage behind my apartment building and decided they would work well as legs to elevate the bin to provide proper ventilation and drainage. We also found some scrap wood pieces to use to screw the legs into place.

The bin sits in a tray to catch any fluids that may drain out. These fluids can be used as fertilizer for my house plants.

I ordered the worms for the bin today from Earthly Goods on Danforth Ave (416-466-2841). I ordered 1 lb of red wigglers. 1/2 lb cost $27. My total came to $61.02 - well worth it to divert valuable food waste from the garbage while producing rich fertile compost as a result! They should be in by the end of the week.
Their preferred temperature is 4 degrees Celsius - 27 degrees Celsius, so I may have to keep the bin indoors at the start, until the lows don't go below 4 degrees outside, as I would like to keep the bin on my balcony throughout the summer. The worms consume the most waste at 15 - 26 degrees Celsius.
The next step is preparing the bedding for my vermicomposting bin so it is ready when the worms arrive.

1 comment:

Viagra Online said...

Hi there, my friend, John, asked me the other day what I was doing and I told him vermicomposting, but he had no idea what this is, and I couldn't explain it to him because I had to go. I will tell him to check and read this blog entry of yours, thank you!